Smoker Tips For Burning Man
Are you a Smoker or a Toker? Make sure to read these tips to make sure you don't MOOP.
For many smokers and first time burners, it is difficult to get into the habit of not throwing away your butts on the ground. Cigarette Butts are also considered MOOP. If you roll your own and use a paper filter, and wanna throw away the roach? That is also MOOP. To make sure you don't have everyone around yelling at you, here are some tips for the smoker.
You'll want to make sure to bring:
- Lighters (more than one, they get stolen)
- Portable Ashtray
- Cigarette Holder
- Rolling Papers, Tips (Optional)
- Enough Tobacco for a week plus some, you will Gift them.
- Forget all of the above and just go vape pen.
Always Carry An Ashtray
As you walk around, make sure you have a portable ashtray in your pouch or bag. This lets you light one up wherever you are, and not have to worry about MOOPing. It's also nice to hold out as a gift if you are a smoker in a group. It's like a mini firepit for smokers. Here are some tips for Portable Ashtrays.
The Upcycle
Nothing beats an Old Altoid Box. These things are so handy for so many things at The Burn.
Go For Tech
These small pocket ashtrays have lasted me for many Burns. They are small and easy to pack, and extinguish any fires.
Go For Style
You can always go for a more SteamPunk Style or more refined look for your Ashtray.
Lighters And Sparks
One thing you should take a bunch of is LIGHTERS. Whether you have to start a fire, light a smoke, or even do some flaming hand trick, you're gonna need a lighter. Here are some lighters to check out.
The Handy Lighter
Some lighters come with handy tools like bottle openers, or even scissors.
Steam Punk Style
There are some really fun lighters available as well. Light up the fire in style with one of these.
Sustainable Zippo
Zippos come in all kinds of styles and designs. Plus they are reusable, so no MOOP afterwards.
At Burning Man when asking for a light, if they say, "No sorry I don't smoke." Just reply, "Would you like to start?" Bad joke, granted.
What Smoker Tips do you have?