Burner Guides

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Burner Lexicon

Every culture, city, community have various words that are not common. Burners have a few words that have grown over the years as well. Here is a guide to help you speak burner.


  • ARCTICA - Ice vendor located in Center Camp

  • BLM - Bureau of Land Management (enemies of fun)

  • BMORG - Burning Man Organization (fun haters)

  • BRC - Black Rock City

  • BURGIN - Burner / Virgin 1st time burner

  • BURNER - A particiapnt of Burning Man

  • CENTER CAMP - Heart of the city, coffee shop and ice vending.

  • CHIPS - A snack food made from thin sliced fried or baked potatoes (ignore the brits)  

  • DARKTARD - Clueless dumbfucker standing, sitting, walking or riding the playa at night without lights

  • Deep Playa: Refers to the open area behind the Man, especially the outer realms near the perimeter trash fence.

  • DEFAULT WORLD - Purgatory outside of Burning Man

  • DMV - Department of Mutant Vehicles (art cars)

  • DMZ - Deep playa Music Zone, area out by the 11:00 & K where all the BIGASS sound cars gather

  • DPW - Department of Public Works - Builders of BRC

  • DWCL - Daddy WARBUCKS Cigar Lounge

  • EA - Early Arrival, builders of the city. (see WAP)

  • ESD: Emergency Services Department, providing fire protection and emergency medical services.

  • ESPLANADE - Street adjacent to inner playa, LOTS of interactivity

  • Exodus: The process and organization of the mass participant departure from BRC at the end of the event.

  • Fallopian Tubes: The two long roads connecting Black Rock City’s Gate with the principal grid of streets.

  • Fluffer: A volunteer who supports other volunteer teams, like by replenishing their drinking water.

  • Fly Ranch: A property near Gerlach, Nevada, owned by Burning Man Project.

  • Gifting: A core tenet of Burning Man, involving giving without expecting anything in return.

  • ICE 9 - Ice sales at the 9:00 plaza

  • ICE CUBED - Ice sales at the 3:00 plaza

  • Java Cow: A legendary figure who provides coffee at sunrise during Burning Man.

  • Moonwalker: A participant who wanders the Playa in a dream state, sometimes unaware of their surroundings.

  • MOOP - Matter Out Of Place (trash)

  • Obtainium: Items acquired for free or through gifting.

  • Playa Chicken: A myth about a species of carnivorous chickens in the Black Rock Desert, used as scapegoats for unexplained occurrences.

  • Playa Dust: Fine, alkaline-rich dust that covers the Black Rock Desert.

  • Playa Foot: A skin condition caused by prolonged exposure to the alkaline dust.

  • PLAYA NAME - Nick name, or persona that burners will know you by (must be given to you by a Veteran burner)

  • P&P - Plug and Play camps, usually housing 1% er’s with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement (see Scum of the earth)

  • PORTO - porta pottie, toilet facilities spread throughout the city

  • SCUM of the EARTH - Plug and Play campers

  • SHIRT COCKER - Stupid drunk FRAT boys in button down shirts, and NO pants

  • SPARKLE PONY - A term for attendees who do not contribute and rely on others' resources

  • TTITD - That Thing In The Desert

  • WAP - Work Access Pass, early entry to BRC so theme camps can set up

  • WOOK - Dirty hippie attendee with no food, water or shelter, looking to beg, steal or mooch off of others. Almost always stoned.

Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments so we can add it up.